ALL WOD’s Announced for Show-Me Strength CrossFit Competitors


WOD 1:

Cash-In/Cash-Out: 50m Sled Push
WOD: 18-12-6
HR Burpee’s

Rx: 55/35
Scaled: 35/25

Athletes will begin with a 50m Sled Push (Rx:210/120-Scaled:160/70).

Once the sled crosses the 50m line, the athlete will proceed to their station. Each KB G20H will begin from the ground and must exchange hands between reps. Hand-release burpees will require lying flat to the floor with chest touching, pull both hands from contact with the floor, and pop back to a hips open/hands clap behind-head position at the top of the burpee.

Upon completion of the final set of 6 KB G2OH and 6 HR Burpees, the athlete will return the sled to its location prior to their start.

WOD 2: 12 Minute AMRep

2-Attempts Max Unbroken Front Squat (must clean the weight) for Reps. Once UB Set is complete, use remaining time for Max Box Jumps
– Each Front Squat Rep= 2pts
– Each Box Jump= 1pt
– Weight UB Set was performed= 1/2pt for each lb of weight (ex. 200# lift for 30 reps is 160pts (30×2= 60 + 100= 160pts)

WOD 3:

3 Rounds For Time

2 Deadlift (355-205/225-135)

4 Burpee C2B Pull-Ups

6 Cleans (185-115/155-75)

8 HSPU (Wall-Walks Chest-To-Wall)

There is still room to register, sign-up now!

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