Back Squat Deload Day and Open 11.1….Or 14.1

Main – CrossFit

A: JumpNRope Warm Up (No Measure)

With a continuously running clock, try to maintain your Jump Rope through various styles. You should switch every 30-45 seconds but keep the rope moving!

-Single Jumps

– Alternating Legs

– Lateral Jumps

– Skiing Jumps (One foot front, one in back)

– Speed Singles (Alternate Legs Quickly!)

– Double Unders (Either consecutive or trying for individual reps).

B: Back Squat (5-5-5 (40,50,60%))

C: CrossFit Games Open 11.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10-Minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches, 75# / 55#