Pull-Up Progressions and Partner WOD!

Main – CrossFit

Be sure to come visit us at Lucky’s Health Fair this Saturday from 11-2pm!

A: Rowling (Like Bowling with Rowers) (No Measure)

Each athlete takes turns attempting to row exactly 100m on the rower. Only full pulls are allowed (no arm pulls). For each meter over or under 100m, the athlete then performs 2 Burpee’s.

5 Rounds each Athlete.

B: Metcon (No Measure)

7×7 Pull-Up’s

-Based on our previous weeks progressions (No Butterfly).

-40 Seconds Rest b/w Sets

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner WOD For Reps:

1 Round is a 5 Minute Clock. One athlete will row 1K and use any remaining time to perform ME Ring Dips. Their partner will begin rowing their 1K as soon as the 5 Minute clock has expired for their partner. Each partner will Row 3 1K’s and attempt ME Ring Dips following completion of each.

-Total WOD Time: 30 Minutes

-Scale for Ring Dips: Push-Ups