CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Level 2
Coach, CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
Libby has enjoying picking up heavy objects and putting them down again for as long as she can remember, and loves that CrossFit forces her to do this faster than she ever dreamed possible. Her background is primarily in powerlifting, bodybuilding, and Tae Kwon Do, with a brief, albeit unfortunate stint in barefoot distance running. She is originally from Portland, Oregon, frequently breaks into spontaneous song and dance while WODing, and swears profusely when excited. Libby’s passion for coaching can usually be seen in her teaching of the Elements curriculum. Her alter-ego is a tenured Professor of Biological Anthropology at the University of Missouri, Columbia. She received her Bachelors from the University of California, Berkeley, and her MS and Ph.D. from Washington University, St. Louis. Her research focuses on the skeleton’s response to exercise, and the behavior, growth, and activity of Paleolithic peoples, which she finds dovetails with nutrition and CrossFit in interesting and unexpected ways.