Friday Night Lights for Aiden’s Avengers April 4th!

Friday Night Lights - CrossFit Fringe Columbia MO

Friday Night Lights is back in April!

The theme of this month’s Friday Night Lights event is Spring Cleaning! Each participant will be required to donate at least two articles of clothing (being a Crossfitter, you will have pants that don’t fit your massive quads, shirts that don’t fit your suddenly behemoth shoulders) AND at least $1 to go toward the Aiden’s Avengers.


Your monetary donation will go towards funding the bills and cost of treatment for Aiden, a second grader in Columbia, Missouri fighting a tremendous medical battle.

Your clothing donation will go toward the Harbor House, a local homeless shelter her in Columbia that provides assistance to men, women and children.

The WODs being dished for this event:

WOD 1:

8 minutes to establish max Clean weight
3 minutes rest, then…

WOD 2:

4 minutes As Many Reps as Possible of…You’ll just have to wait and find out on April 4th!

Aiden's Avengers - CrossFit Fringe Columbia MO

Bring friends, bring donations, but most of all bring your spirit to the Outlier on April 4th. Sign Ups will be located at the front desk. PLEASE sign up before Thursday April 3th heats assigned and help the event run as smoothly as possible!

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