Front Squats, Pull-Ups, and Balancing that Body Out!

Main – CrossFit

Just Hanging Around (No Measure)

Following General Warm-Up

-Accumulate 3 Minutes of engaged “Hanging” from the Pull-Up bar. You may vary your grip.

-Each drop, perform 10 Hollow Rocks, 10 Supermans, and 10 Scapular Retraction Push-Ups, then return to the bar.

To scale, hang from the rings with feet lightly on the floor.

Week 1 Day 2 Pull-Up Progression (5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (50s Rest))

7×5 Pull-Ups (Choose Scale) with 50 seconds Rest Between Sets

Front Squat (3@70%,3@80%,3+@90%,3+@70%)

A1: RDL’s (8-8-8 (Snatch Grip))

A2: Bent Over Row (8-8-8)