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October 30, 2017

Our Next Oly Session with Fitz begins November 14!

Bummed about the cold weather months ahead? Well how about another cycle of our Oly Program with Fitz to tide you over? Here are all the deets!

Winter Oly with Fitz

Fitz is back in the Fringe Den with another session of Olympic lifting! So many people expressed regret about not signing up for the last session so were excited to be able to offer you another chance with some flexible payment options for the upcoming holiday season.The program is a broken up into 4-week microcycles (12 weeks total) focusing on strength and power development through lots of squatting and unilateral lifts and refining positioning for Olympic lifts.The class will meet two times a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. at Fringe West for 90 minutes and will include one day of programmed homework to be completed on your own during Open Gym hours. We will also have online progress tracking via Google Docs.There will be only eight spots available for this program. In order to participate, you will need to submit your current body weight and have established at least 1RMs of C7J/Snatch/BS/FS. Participants must also have at least six months of lifting experience. The cost to participate is $300 for members or $450 for non-members. Of note: You must commit to the entire 12 weeks but there will be a split payment option available. Now for the best part: This class will again be taught by Matthew Fitz Fitzgerald, a longtime student of the world-renowned Olympic Weightlifter/Strongman Justin Thacker. Those of you who have worked out alongside Fitz, know he routinely throws around the heaviest weights while making it look easy. He has enormous patience and a fantastic eye for coaching. He can focus on the smallest nuances of both the snatch and clean and jerk to help you improve.

A Note From Fitz:

To all the Pups looking to become Wolves, This program is extensive and every part is intended to help transform your current weightlifting numbers into your goals. While we all want to hit PRs every day, it just doesnt work that way. This sport  Olympic Weightlifting  not CrossFit, is humbling and a grind. Some lifting days are better than others but it is important to stay the course. Because of technique changes, some of you may feel discouraged that your numbers are not getting better, or maybe even seem worse. Dont give up! I am here to tell you that this is only a microcosm of the way you are going to train in the program. Olympic weightlifting is about making lifts, this is where your focus should be. The best days are the days where you work up to your top rep with no misses. In this program, with my help, you will become more efficient with your strengths and address and improve inefficiencies. When it comes to the individual we are all different. No two athletes have the same size or shape. While there are certain biomechanical movements in Olympic Weightlifting that are more or less unwritten laws of how to become successful in increasing your lifting efficiencies, we must be able to address and then counter the differences on an individual level. I take immense pride in taking these physical differences into account when addressing your individual programming and homework. One of the most important things in this program is communication. All that I ask is that you are willing to be open and honest with me. While I am here to help you reach your goals, I can not see everything and I am in no way a mind reader so if you dont understand something, ask questions, thats why I am here!I look forward to working with you and I cant wait to throw some weights around together in the near future. Matthew Fitzgerald

To sign up and start the process of organizing your starting data, email! We hope to begin this program November 14th!!

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