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August 26, 2019

Sarah Owen's Fringe Nutrition Story: A Journey to Health and Baby

Who is Sarah Owens?

Sarah Owens (pictured below on the far right) is an amazing athlete in the gym and has always been motivated, coachable, and extremely receptive to feedback and new ideas. We know so many of you are like this, but you just get a little stuck at the start when it comes to changing habits or knowing the best place to start Sarah's story is excellent for this reason because oftentimes, you just need a little jumpstart, and that's where we can help!We were excited when Sarah first approached us about working with her on her nutrition goals. She had an incredible "end goal" in mind: to conceive despite a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).


Sarah Owens


Fringe Nutrition

What We Did

Worked on Habits, Learned to Meal Prep, Weight Management

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. It can cause irregular periods, excess androgen (male hormone), and polycystic ovaries, which causes them to be enlarged and contain excess follicles that surround the eggs. This causes them to not function properly. As my own OBGYN used to say, it's the perfect storm for difficult fertility. The short video below describes it in greater detail (Warning: Probably a little Not Safe For Work).

What does all this mean?

As with many conditions that cause reproductive issues, the path forward is never clearly defined. One of the first places most websites say to start is diet and weight management. But what exactly flips the switch is less obvious and often requires trial and error. Sarah knew she had some habits that were less than stellar, but with a busy schedule, needed help finding a place to get started.

Working with Bridget Lolli and Fringe Nutrition

Bridget Lolli - Nutrition Coach - CrossFit Fringe

Sarah reached out to Bridget Lolli on our Fringe Nutrition team and together they immediately went to work getting Sarah on a path to better habits. "Sarah was quickly one of the most receptive and focused clients I have ever had," Bridget told me. "She had clear goals in mind (hello baby!), and she was patient and trusted the process."

Sarah made huge strides early on with meal prepping, increasing vegetable intake, and not skipping meals. She and her husband had a habit of not having a plan in place, so at the end of the day when they were super tired, they would very often go out to eat.

Sarah's Testimonial

Bridget was a tremendous help to me in working through the challenges of infertility I faced with my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis. She and I formed a plan to manage the habits I could control (diet), and their effect on my health and ability to conceive. Did you know that patients with PCOS that lose as little as 5% of their total body weight can improve their chances of conceiving?I am happy to say that we are expecting a baby this December 2019. I am so grateful for the support Bridget provided to jumpstart my handle on diet and habits that helped me achieve the ultimate goals of weight management and conceiving associated with PCOS. I will be forever grateful!

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