We warned you (in jest) that when Nate Bacott returned to Fringe there was going to be Oly for everyone all the time. Well, two weeks into his time here and he's already put together a 4-week 1-hour seminar dedicated to breaking down your snatch and clean habits and building them back bigger, stronger, and more optimally than ever before.
Each session will take place on Saturday at 8 am during Open Gym. You can as many sessions as you want or can, just grab a spot fast because we cap attendance at 12 athletes. You will find a registration for each session below beneath the program description.
In this first session, you will work specifically on the floor to extension/drive position in both the Snatch and the Clean. We'll explore the optimal contact point for your specific anatomy & mobility while also learning appropriate pressure throughout the pull. We will then tie it all together with the perfect scoop that will lead to some great lifts!
During this second session, you will explore and develop the most optimal catch position for both the Snatch & Clean. An optimal overhead position or front rack position can make the difference between a smooth stand up or having to fight for every bit of the lift. Here's where well work stacking our positions for solid stand-ups, timing our connection to the barbell, and lastly our speed!
It doesn't count unless it goes overhead, right? Youve put in the work to clean it and stand it up -- now let's optimize our path to getting that bar overhead! The Jerk is very athlete-specific: Split Jerk? Power Jerk? Squat Jerk? In our third session, you will learn will the differences and what works best for you. In addition, well work timing, footwork, and recovery positions so when that bar is on your chest, you look forward to driving it through the roof!
In the final day of our 4-session series, were putting it all together to see the full lifts in action! We'll look at both of your lifts in their entirety, and you'll receive feedback as to your biggest areas of improvement and still needing additional work. Who knows, we might even push it out a bit with a solid max-out session!