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February 12, 2020

Tory Flaherty's Fringe Personal Training Story: Building a Barbell Babe

We are thrilled to introduce you to Tory Flaherty!

Who is Tory Flaherty?

Tory Flaherty is a former collegiate volleyball athlete with an incredible level of fitness. But the one thing she had never really worked with was barbells."We did the basics, but mostly covered core and tons of calisthenics," she told us on day 1.When she joined CrossFit Fringe, she immediately felt she had a weakness in feeling confident and comfortable using them. "I was struggling to feel like I was doing the movements correctly. I was improving during class time but knew that one-on-one instruction aligns with my learning style. Spending just 10-15 minutes with Nate in a class had me HOOKED. I couldn't wait to have more one-on-one time and keep learning."

Tory knowing she would thrive in a one-on-one training environment led her to book Personal Training with Coach Nate Bacott with the goal of improving her technique and comfort with barbells.


Tory Flaherty


Personal Training

What We Did

Worked on positioning, drills, technique, and things she could do to add practice on her own time.

Working with Nate Bacott and Fringe Personal Training

When Tory reached out to Coach Nate Bacott on the Personal Training Team, he was already familiar with her motivated spirit and desire to improve at using barbells."I knew a bit about what issues Tory was having from seeing her in classes and a short technique session we had during Open Gym in December."In writing up her plan, he knew his objectives for her improvement were to understand the positions she wanted to hit, the timing, but then make sure she had tools to take away from our work together to keep improving.

"It's not just about the time under the coach's eye, but anytime those lifts show up in the future she will have her own arsenal of drills to make sure she continues to see progress as she grows as an athlete at CrossFit Fringe," Coach Nate said.

Because Tory's improvement is so impressive, Coach Nate compiled a few highlights from the first half of Tory's Personal Training session where she wanted to focus on her shoulder to overhead work, specifically, the Power Jerk movement.

What We Offer in our Personal Training Program

We all have it: that one skill, movement, machine, complex, or WOD that we struggle with. It eludes us, and over time, can create ruts within our training that prevents us from growing and improving. That's where our coaches come in!

At CrossFit Fringe, we don't only offer group fitnesses, one of our best offerings is Personal Training. It offers the flexibility for our world-class coaches to meet you exactly where you are, on your schedule. You even get to pick who you want to work with. Whether you are looking to chat about goals and lifestyle in a No-Sweat Introduction or book single or multiple personal training sessions, our staff is excited (understatement of the century) to work alongside you.

Tory had been having troubles with something many of us struggle with: the barbell. The timing, the technique, and just overall comfort with moving that barbell in different ways can trip up both new and even experienced athletes.

Tory knew she could overcome her weakness if she had one-on-one attention, so she scheduled a 60-minute 1-on-1 Personal Training Session to work on barbell techniqe with Coach Nate. She easily scheduled it right on the website at a time that works best for her schedule.

Tory's Testimonial

I learned so much from just this first session that I can't wait to work more with Coach Nate. He is so passionate about coaching and teaching. I could tell how much he enjoyed watching me learn. Once we turned a corner with my movements, his face just lit up and it motivated me even more. It was such a fantastic hour!" name="Tory Flaherty

Hi. We're the Fringe Personal Training Team! Ready to focus on your goals one-on-one with our Coaches? We are!

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