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December 12, 2016

Let CrossFit Fringe and Driven Nutrition help you survive the holidays!

Feeling a bit nervous about staying on track this holiday season?

You are not alone! November and December definitely tend to be gluttonous months for even the most disciplined among us. Work parties, school festivals, and family celebrations (sometimes numbering one or more in the same day it seems!) tempt us with heavy meals and sweet treats at nearly every turn.As a result, many of us tend to put health and fitness on the back burner during the holidays to deal, only to find ourselves full of regret after New Years. It doesn't have to be that way!


Here are my top tips to help you feel better (and stay on track) over the next several weeks:

  • Commit to your workouts. Forcing yourself to walk through the gym doors each day is 90% of the battle. Just show up.
  • Get plenty of sleep. A recent study found that people tend to eat more after shorter night sleeps and tended to choose higher-fat, higher-calorie foods.
  • Do not skip meals ahead of holiday parties or feasts. Youre less likely to overeat or make bad choices if youve already eaten well throughout the day and arent depleted.
  • Choose your party food picks carefully. You typically consume the largest quantity of the foods you choose first, so set yourself up for success by loading up on healthy proteins and veggies wherever possible.
  • Have a big meal or party planned? Don't stress! Drink a protein shake 30 minutes beforehand so you're not starving when you arrive. You'll be far less likely to overeat.

Let Driven Nutrition Incentivize Your Motivation!

As you know, we carry Driven Nutrition products in-house. We've teamed with them to offer a Pre-Order Promotion to incentivize sticking to your guns, and as a result, get some special member pricing on their products. You can see what Driven products they're offering and the pricing below, or stop by the front desks at either gym. We'll have a pre-order sales sheet, along with some awesome incentives to get these products now!The opportunity to pre-order these products will end Saturday, December 17th, so get in on this great holiday promotion while you can!

Driven Nutrition Promotion Pricing

Product Flavors Available Price

Driven Whey (2lbs)

Banana Pie

Caramel Latte

Chocolate Milkshake

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Cinnamon Roll

Strawberry Milkshake

Vanilla Dream

$45.99 Driven Whey (5lbs)

Banana Pie

Caramel Latte

Chocolate Milkshake

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Cinnamon Roll

Strawberry Milkshake

Vanilla Dream

$69.99 PreWOD

Cherry Lime for Time

Watermelon Thruster

WOD Candy $39.99


Chocolate Reward




Chocolate Milkshake

Cinnamon Roll

Vanilla Dream


Fruit Punch



$45.99Pro-Fusion Seven

Banana Pie

Cafe Au Lait

Chocolate Milkshake

Cookies and Cream

Strawberry Milkshake

Vanilla Dream


Berry Bash

Fresh Lemonade

Grape Smash

$39.99Driven Casein








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