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August 19, 2019

Welcome Kathy Sharp to the Fringe Staff!

coach kathy sharp

We are excited to formally welcome Kathy Sharp to the Fringe staff! She recently completed her coaching internship, and will be coaching Fringe Vitality classes! Fringe Vitality is our program specifically for older and/or deconditioned athletes. Fringe Vitality is an amazing program for anyone new to fitness, no matter what their age. We sincerely believe in fitness at every stage of life, and that the CrossFit methodology is the right prescription for all bodies!

Why Kathy's Legit

Not only has she completed the internship, but she also holds a Masters in Education and has recently retired from working in the field for 30 years. She has a keen talent for working with students of all learning modalities, which is a huge asset for her as a coach. She also collaborated with classroom teachers to develop effective strategies to teach career and technical curriculum.

Her Fitness Resume

Kathy arrived at CrossFit Fringe in 2012 (lovingly referred to as the Big Bear Days). Her athletic background includes high school basketball and track and she dabbled in other recreational sports over the years including softball, volleyball, and racquetball. She also logged a ton of running miles including 5ks, 10ks, several half marathons, and even a full marathon before succumbing to the wear and tear of the road.

Kathy has watched CrossFit do a lot for her life - shes even done competitions. And she recently learned to snowboard in a day with the help of her son-in-law Nathan. She credits CrossFit with not only the strength and stamina but the confidence to tackle new and challenging things. Shes excited to teach that to members who are starting fitness at a later age.

Be sure to congratulate Kathy and jump in on burpee WOD with her sometime soon, they are her favorite! No really guys, she likes burpees. REALLY.

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