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October 3, 2021

LIFT RETURNS November 3rd with Coach Jordan Kroell

"LIFT" Returns with 4 x NCAA Weightlifting Championship Coach Jordan Kroell!

It's strength season! Improve your lifts with just 6 x 90-Minute sessions over 3 weeks

What is LIFT?

Dive into strength season with our 3-week LIFT program. This program will sequence athletes through an Acclimation and Intensity Phase, and finish the program with the long-standing weightlifting tradition: Max Out Friday Night!


LIFT will take place Wednesdays & Fridays at 6:30 pm.

  • November 3rd & 5th-Acclimation Phase: During the first week of the program, all athletes will begin acclimating to a weightlifting-style program. This includes warm-ups, mobility, technical cueing, and complexes. The acclimation phase builds not only awareness of each lift but also the intensity the lifts will require
  • November 10th & 12th-Intensification: As with all strength and conditioning, we believe intensity needs to be appropriately timed and coached. Our 2nd week will be devoted to building off Week 1's acclimation phase and making athletes more comfortable handling heavy weight in the snatch and clean & jerk. The goal for this week is that each athlete finds out what "heavy" means to them and to become comfortable training in that range of strength
  • November 17th-Deload : This Wednesday night training will be our "calm before the storm." Coach Jordan will lead the group through mobility, speed, and positional drills to help everyone feel fast and confident in what they have learned in the previous stages. With just one day left, all athletes will use this night as their final sharpening moments before attacking some big lifts!
  • November 19th-MAX OUT FRIDAY NIGHT!: Let's put it to the test! Athletes will be lead by Coach Jordan as they build up and attempt new maxes in both the snatch and clean & jerk. Music will be blasting, the community will be there for support, and LIFT participants can showcase all of their hard work!

Who is LIFT for?

This course is for ANYONE wanting to improve their Olympic lifting. It's not only about max lifts, it's about feeling comfortable with these movements as seen in our classes. Why not take a little extra time to develop them?

What is the cost to join?

The cost for CrossFit Fringe Members is $129 (non-members: $149)

What is the schedule?

  • Starting the First Week of November
    • Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:30-8:00pm
    • 3-Week Duration (Nov. 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th, and 19th)

Who is Coach Jordan?

Coach Jordan is not only an indispensable wealth of knowledge in all things strength and conditioning, but he is absurdly energetic, positive, and encouraging. While working on his Master's at Lindenwood University he was the Assistant Olympic Weightlifting Coach. His team won four consecutive University National Titles in the Mens, Womens, or Co-ed divisions. Want to know more? Of course you do -- check out his bio.

How do I sign up?

Follow the links below to sign up for the sessions you're interested in below. If you're a member, email for the discount code! Spots are limited so don't wait! Let's close out a crazy year with some heavy barbells and a lot of fun!

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