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January 19, 2017

2017 CrossFit Open Intramural Competition


The 2017 CrossFit Open is quickly approaching and were excited to see how our programming that has aimed to get EVERYONE ready performs. All of those AMRAP and EMOMs are about to pay off! With the breakout success of our first in-house CrossFit Open Intramural in 2015, we are looking to bring it back better than ever for our athletes in 2017!If you are new to CrossFit, the CrossFit Open is a 5-week challenge consisting of 1 weekly workout that allows athletes to see where they stack up in relation to the rest of the world. Its also the first step towards making it to the CrossFit Games. While few athletes stand a real chance at the next level (Brooke Wells as we all know is the exception to the rule), it doesnt mean we shouldn't all strive to be a little better than yesterday. The Open workouts are tough, but they are written so that any and every CrossFitter can be successful. Meaning? There's no excuse not to participate! And with our in-house intramural its a fun, collaborative competition to make the Open workouts a little more relevant to OUR community and provide a chance to get to know your fellow athletes better.

In short, the Intramural works like this:

  • Your Fringe coaches have selected captains:
  • There will be a Secret and Unique draft, Date TBD (captains only)
  • Each captain will have and manage a Facebook group for their team members to track performances and team spirit participation.
  • Each Thursday we will have watch parties for the Open WOD announcement.
  • Friday evenings will be the main time to hit the gas and get your score. We will hold major events at West for 17.1 and 17.5, and you can hit either gym for 17.2, 17.3, and 17.4 to mingle with your cross-gym teams!

Your Team Captains

West Representatives: Whitney Gorsenger/Lauren Walsh; Pat Hanson/Adam Crutchfield; Holly Myers Shryock/Clint Shryock EastEast Representatives: Jason Thornhill/Josh Kranzberg; Dave Smith/Jeff Bailey; Wendy Lee/Stephanie Clookey

Sign up to participate by February 11

We will present the Captains with a list of athletes already registered for the Open on draft day. Each are allowed to protect two athletesmostly spouses or best friendsfor their team. The rest are thrown into a hat and then we will have a very unique and secretive draft.Members sign up officially at the front desk to indicate their intention to compete. You will see a basket with note cards for the blind draft. This blind method makes the teams more even and it gave the captain/co-captains a chance to use strategy/knowledge based off of that individual's strength and weaknesses in making their choices. On the card, write TWO strengths and TWO weaknesses on the lined side of the card, and your name on the blank side (Ex. Mitch Stout, W - Bar MUs, Heavy Cleans, S - well rounded, experienced). It can be broad or very specific. This is what makes the "blind" draft fun. Your submitted card +your sign up to participate = ready to go.

Team Draft (Team Captains)

Once the sign-up period has ended, Captains will be presented a list of athletes and complete a draft. Immediately after the draft, the rest of the community is open for recruitment. Captains can bribe, coerce or otherwise attempt to sign up any member for their team.

Team Fun and Open Events

Because scoring will favor the largest team, we have a recruitment limit to keep things even. Any team can recruit up to 25 members, but must then wait for other teams to recruit 25 members before recruiting more. We encourage teams to celebrate their spirit! Weve put together some amazing events, including FNL editions to celebrate CrossFit Open Workout 17.1, as well as the final 17.5 workout. RSVP to them, they are definitely some of the most fun we have all year. We encourage team spirit each week with team shirts, noisemakers, etc. There is no limit to your creative outlets. Extra points will be awarded to teams who show amazing spirit each week! In the event we need to level outscoring/tie-break, we will add a sixth event of our choosing. Stay tuned!

Price to Play

The admission fee for the Intramural Open is $20 with CrossFit Fringe, OR the athletes registration on the CrossFit Games site should they choose to go official. Like last year, we are offering the option to register with the box and NOT requiring you do it with the CrossFit Games site. In registering with the box, we will take the money raised and use it for equipment upgrades, or something cool for the boxes.


The winning team will be added to our new plaque along with a team photo immortalizing them on the walls of The Outlier  additionally the winning team will get to select what the admission collected in-house for Fringe goes towards  further details to be released later. This is our third year doing this and we are even more excited! Coach Mitch Stout will be your go-to for judging and for all things Intramural. If you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out to him, or get with us on Facebook or our Contact page.

Sign up now through February 11th!

Declare yourself eligible for the draft (sign-up) at the front desk now. If you are paying CrossFit Fringe, bring $20 (cash or check) at time of sign-up. Looking to learn more? We'll be doing Facebook live with more details withCoach Mitch soon, stay tuned for date/time!Don't forget to share all the updates and excitement with your friends! Use the hashtag #intheopen!

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