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January 22, 2018

2018 CrossFit Open Intramural Competition


The 2017 CrossFit Open is quickly approaching and were excited to see how our programming that has aimed to get EVERYONE ready performs. All of those AMRAP and EMOMs are about to pay off! With the breakout success of our first in-house CrossFit Open Intramural in 2015, we are looking to bring it back better than ever for our athletes in 2017! If you are new to CrossFit, the CrossFit Open is a 5-week challenge consisting of 1 weekly workout that allows athletes to see where they stack up in relation to the rest of the world. Its also the first step towards making it to the CrossFit Games. While few athletes stand a real chance at the next level (Brooke Wells as we all know is the exception to the rule), it doesnt mean we shouldnt all strive to be a little better than yesterday. The Open workouts are tough, but they are written so that any and every CrossFitter can be successful. Meaning? Theres no excuse not to participate! And with our in-house intramural its a fun, collaborative competition to make the Open workouts a little more relevant to OUR community and provide a chance to get to know your fellow athletes better

In short, the start of the Intramural works like this:

  • Your Fringe staff have selected intramural captains to make four teams (right)
  • From now until February 11: Declare yourself eligible for the draft by filling out a draft card, which are available at the front desks at both East and West. We've made filling them out easier this year, but creating a form with areas to fill in!
  • February 12: There will be a secret and unique blind lottery draft (captains only). Directly after the draft, Facebook groups will beset up for team members to track performance, participation, and plan their weeks accordingly.

Your Team Captains

  • Team 1: Spencer Rennier & Allie Miranda
  • Team 2: Lynsey Foster & Matt Goans
  • Team 3: Maddie Gramke & Dain Jacob
  • Team 4: Brad Young & Cimmaron Smith

How does each week of The Open look?

  • It all starts February 23: We will host a huge Friday Night Lights 18.1 kick-off party, and a closing event for 18.5 (March 23). Check out the Facebook events for specific details and announcements.
  • Each Thursday (February 22-March 22) we will have watch parties for the Open WOD announcement. Facebook events for each can be found on our Facebook page. This means no 6:00 pm class at West! We want everyone to come in and have a great time viewing and then catch a unique challenge throwdown that will change each week.
  • Every Friday evening (February 23-March 23) will be the main time to hit the gas and get your score. We will hold major events at East AND West both for 18.2-18.4.
  • This is, as always, a fun game with weekly challenges, themes, points,and prizes. See below for more!

Declare Yourself for the Draft: Sign up to participate by February 11

To declare yourself for the draft, visit the front desk and fill out a draft card. Weve upgraded from last year and created an easy to use template: We will present the Captains with all of the Draft cards on our Lottery Draft Day. Captains will pick their team based solely on the info provided of Age, Gender, Time doing CrossFit, and 3 Strengths/Weaknesses Your submitted card + buy-in (see below) = READY TO GO!

Team Draft (Team Captains)

This blind method makes the teams more even, further integrates our community, and gives the captains a chance to use strategy/knowledge based off of that individuals strength and weaknesses in making their choices. This is what makes the blind draft fun. Immediately after the draft, the rest of the community is open for recruitment. Captains can bribe, coerce or otherwise attempt to sign up and the Fringe staff will assign these last-minute additions to each team also in a blinded manner! This year is all about participation and equal teams. We want to see the number of participants top 200!

Team Fun and Open Events

We will have weekly themes, for fun (no longer worth spirit points), and those themes have been decided by your captains for weeks 2-4 (and dont worry, if themes arent your thing, just come as yourself, get a great workout in, and cheer on the rest of the Fringies while we all suffer together).

  • Week 1 is our toughest WOD as its the first of the season, as such the theme is Team Support. Rock your teams gear to the best of your abilities!
  • Week 2 will be announced soon!
  • Week 3will be announced soon!
  • Week 4will be announced soon!
  • Week 5 is the best week as its the end of the Open and since we are all one big community, we will embrace that at the end of the Intramural competition and the theme will be Rock your Fringe gear! In the event we need to level outscoring/tie-break, we will add a sixth event of our choosing. Stay tuned!

Scoring and Awards

The scoring system is switching up this year! Participation is still the single best way to help your team get the highest score! Scaled points and spirit points are gone - but we will have extra points for:

  • Top 2 M/F RX
  • Top M/F Teen (>18)
  • Top M/F JV Master (35-44)
  • Top M/F Master of the Universe (45+)
  • Added challenge points will be available weekly, and your captains will let you know about them each. week.


The winning team will be added to our new plaque immortalizing them on The Intramural Open Trophy housed in each location. Past champions include Invasion of the Body Snatchers (2015), The Walking Deadlifts (2016), The TRx Assassins (2017). Additionally, the winning team will get to select what the admission collected in-house for Fringe goes towards; previous winnings have purchased bikes, rowers, DBs, new bumpers, new barbells, the list goes onnnn We will also choose winners for Rookie of the Year and Spirit of the Games at the end of the season (around March 30 or as soon as scoring is completed).This is our fourth year doing this and we are even more excited! Coach Mitch Stout will be your go-to for judging and for all things Intramural. If you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out to him, or get with us on Facebook or our Contact page.

Price to Play

The admission fee for the Intramural Open is $20 with CrossFit Fringe, OR the athletes registration on the CrossFit Games site should they choose to go official. Like last year, we are offering the option to register with the box and NOT requiring you do it with the CrossFit Games site. In registering with the box, we will take the money raised and use it for equipment upgrades, or something cool for the boxes.

Sign up now by February 11th!

Declare yourself eligible for the draft (sign-up) at the front desk now. If you are paying CrossFit Fringe, bring $20 (cash or check) at time of sign-up; this is one thing we dont want to run through your house account! Looking to learn more? Well be putting out a more in-depth video this weekend and posting to our Facebook group. Dont forget to share all the updates and excitement with your friends! Use the hashtag #intheopen!

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