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June 24, 2020

2020 Summer Family Healthy Habits Challenge

Ready to take back 2020 with your entire household?

Our all-new FAMILY-focused Challenge begins July 13!

We know you still have a lot of routine changes ahead

Although 2020 is half over, it feels like its been several lifetimes since we started the year with our Winter Nutrition Challenge. COVID-19 placed most of our daily routines and habits in complete turmoil, and we are facing new stressors and uncertainty as we head into summer and fall with back-to-school or a return to the office.My goal as your Nutrition Coach is to not only help you get your habits back on track in our new normal but find ways to continually adapt to life to keep your balance. And what better way to start that than with a Summer Healthy Habits Challenge. And this is one your whole household can participate in.Thats right, this Nutrition Challenge is for your entire household. Whether your family consists of you, you and a partner, kids, roommates, or some other variation, this challenge is aimed at bringing nutrition center focus in your daily lives.We know that success for us individually is very much tied to those close to us being on board. And as a working mom of two young children myself, I know the stress of not only making sure I have a balanced diet but making sure my whole family is properly fueled while maintaining each of our very different schedules.

This Challenge is PACKED with tools to help!

We will be an awesome app throughout the challenge provided by our partners at HSN. This app is packed with great features and fingertip convenience which will help you track your food, communicate with your nutrition coach and other participants, and so much more! The goal of this challenge is to not only mentally reset on an individual level, but expand that into your family life. We will help you to prioritize healthy eating and better daily habits and supportive routines. You will be encouraged to:

Your family will be encouraged to:

  • eat lean meats (or not if you prefer the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle!)
  • add more veggies
  • enjoy some fruits
  • add good fats
  • drink more water
  • focus on recovery and stress relief
  • And to have a good time!

Your family will be provided a meal plan, grocery lists, and a food tracker you will use to help achieve your goals. We know that the best results will come from dedication and consistency, as well as learning what personally works best for you and your long-term goals through continued experimentation.

What is included in the challenge?

  • support of a personal nutrition coach through the HSN app
  • biometric testing via InBody
  • kickoff seminar and tips
  • recipes
  • weekly meal plan
  • grocery list
  • weekly food tracker
  • 3 compartment food containers for food to meal prep
  • weekly informational emails and videos
  • most importantly accountability
  • and a whole lot of fun throughout the process

Timeline for the Challenge

  • Now through July 12: Sign up for this years challenge at the front desk or PushPress, or email
  • July 11: Attend the Kick-off Meeting at Noon at CrossFit Fringe
  • July 6-12: Schedule and obtain your beginning InBody exam. Receive your challenge resources and materials as well as begin communication with your Nutrition Coach Bridget
  • July 13: Challenge Begins
  • August 9-14: Schedule and obtain your completion InBody exam, discuss achievements, and future goal-setting and planning.

Everyone will receive 4 tracker sheets, 1 for each week. You will track your points daily for the tasks mentioned below. At the end of each week, turn in your tracker to Bridget so she can tally up points each week.

  • Points possible each day:
    • Tracked food - 3 points
    • Exercise - 2 points
    • Stress Relief - 1 point
    • 80oz water - 1 point
    • 6+ hours sleep - 1 point
  • Prizes:
    • 1st place: three months of ongoing personal Wellness nutrition coaching ($375 value)
    • 2nd place: one month of ongoing personal Wellness nutrition & Driven nutrition supplement ($225 value)
    • 3rd place: A Gift certificate to EatWell (formerly Lucky's) & 10 3-compartment meal prep containers ($100 value)

Cost to Participate:

$100 to participate.

During your InBody scan at the end, we will sit down for a brief 10-minute discussion about how the Challenge went for you. and your family. We ask that you come with a written reflection of your family's thoughts regarding the Challenge, including what your bright spots were, what you might have struggled with and your plans going forward to make these habits part of your family's routine and lifestyle. We will send a template to help guide this reflection during the last week of the challenge. This will help guide the discussion and also add to your point total for the challenge! For those who do not choose to do the Inbody scans, we will complete this step via email.

Forget canceling, we hope that you will join us in taking back 2020! We are so excited to bring this new Challenge to Fringe and look forward to working with each and every one of you. If you find that you need a one-on-one meeting during this Challenge for additional accountability, troubleshooting, or guidance, feel free to schedule a meeting through our Nutrition page on Fringes website. If you have questions beforehand feel free to reach out to

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