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July 27, 2016

Fringe 2.0 Move and Grand Opening Details

In case you don't read everything, READ THIS:

Our BIG move is coming up. We will be closed from August 8-12 to transition to Fringe 2.0. However, we are putting together some awesome home workout resources and we'll be having meet-ups around town all that week. Additionally, our big Grand Opening will be going down August 13th beginning at 10am! More details to come!

Fringe 2.0 Move Details - CrossFit Fringe - Columbia MO

Push Press and Beyond the Whiteboard

I want to first thank you for your patience with the transition to Push Press and Beyond the Whiteboard. We know that change is never easy, and youve all been so patient with us, you have no idea how much we appreciate it. These two platforms offer better analytics, reporting, and overall performance for our athletes and business, and are more social and interactive. We hope youll enjoy all the things to come as we get settled into using them.As you're using either, if you run into questions or want to know how to better use them, just ask us. We'll be happy to set up some guided videos or some in-person sessions!

The Big Move

Second, the time for our move is almost here! Youve heard the rumors, youve seen the picture updates - now we have a concrete date. Here is what you need to know right now: we will hold our last class at CrossFit Fringe V1 on August 6 at 10 a.m. We will also hold our normal Open Gym hours on Saturday/Sunday as well.We will then (GULP) be closed for roughly one week, from August 8 to August 12. Yes, I know this is a huge deal, but stay with me here and try to stay calm. Were working on a whole slew of home WODs for you as well as community meet-ups for those days to get some fitness in. Stay tuned, we promise your fitness wont decrease during the week and we will help you keep your gainz! And for those of you outstanding Outliers that are wanting to offer a helping hand (thank you in advance!), we will be posting times we can use your assistance.

Grand Opening Shindig

Our official grand opening will be ALL DAY on Saturday, August 13. Were gonna kick everything off at 10 a.m. with rolling heats of a workout happening every 30 minutes! Were still working through all the details, but we hope it will be a big event for more than just our community as we plan to invite all Columbia residents. If you have ideas or want to be involved in the party planning, we would love your input! Feel free to email or use our contact form with your suggestions or the desire to help if you are interested!

And a Big Welcome to...

Our newest members! We have a lot of new faces around the gym, and its been so fun to introduce you to our community at a such and exciting time in our organization. I know that Im looking forward to the completion of the move so I can spend more time getting to know each of you individually! To all our more veteran Fringies, be sure to say hi and introduce yourselves to the new additions, and to the newest Outliers, be sure to join our gym Facebook group (and Barbell Babes group for the ladies). If you have any questions as you get settled, dont be afraid to stop and ask a coach! After all, theyre all here to ensure that the best hour of your day is when youre at Fringe!I want to take an extra moment to thank you all so much for your continued membership and support of CrossFit Fringe. Three years ago, my vision of a CrossFit gym began to take a form, and now with our move, its the clearest it has ever been. We are headed into such an exciting future, and theres no one Id rather share it with than all of you!Coach Tyler

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