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December 16, 2016

2017 CrossFit Fringe Member Survey

Ready for 2017!?

On January 1st the goal board will be wiped clean and you'll set your goals for 2017. We're so blessed you've chosen to take this journey with us at CrossFit Fringe, and we will do everything we can to not only help you reach your goals, but have a lot of fun along the way!2016 was a HUGE year for our community. From the Intramural Open, new buildings, and the CrossFit Games, to new names, and awesome new swag, it's been fun reflecting on all that we've done this year and get excited for all the things that are possible for next year (no moving though -- absolutely no moving).

Our 2017 CrossFit Fringe Member Survey is ready!

Just like you'll set your goals, we're already well underway in dreaming and scheming about our own 2017, and we want your help to guide our direction! Want to help us plan our best year yet? Complete our 2017 Member Survey and help us plan! Your feedback was immensely valuable in 2016 and guided many of our decisions and improvements across our entire operations. You'll see many of the same questions this year, but also a few new ones. As always, there will be an open section in the bottom to add additional feedback, or just tell your favorite coach how much you love them!

Take the 2017 Member Survey NOW!

2017-CrossFit Fringe Member Survey

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