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February 3, 2017

February Newsletter

Its CrossFit Open Season! We have a lot(seriously more than ever, though I say that every month) in the works, but much of it has kind of taken a backseat to preparing for our Open Intramural Competition, so this update will be a bit shorter than last month, but just as cool I promise! Be sure to read all the way down and mark your calendars with all the great events coming up!

Affiliate renaming finalized

Weve been able to finalize the affiliate paperwork and can now proudly say that CrossFit Fringe West is.CrossFit Fringe West! I know that seems rather anti-climatic, but when you hate paperwork and waiting, the end result feels like a pretty big accomplishment! This will allow us to hopefully finalize a few more projects on the back end (single, less confusing website situation, etc.) so I thought it worth sharing!

Having trouble setting and sticking to your New Years goals? Sign up for our Goal Setting Seminar on February 11!

Its February, and while many of us feel like we ride into the new year on a cloud to start anew, we easily begin to hit snags and setbacks that have us questioning our motives and ambition before February. DoesDoes that sound like you? Don't worry, it happens. I know I'm in that boat right now. And there are strategies to help get us out of that rut. ComeCome check out our Goal Setting seminar, hosted by Coaches Tyler and Liz on February 11th at 10:30 at Fringe West. The cost to attend is only $10! There will be a lengthy discussion as well as a WOD, so dress ready to workout.

The Open Intramural kicks of February 5

Its that time of year! The Open is upon us and its time to sign up for the Open! If you didnt already know, every year CrossFit Fringe hosts an in-house Intramural Competition that aligns with the CrossFit Open.We started this tradition a few years ago to increase participation and excitement for the Open, which was largely seen as a competitors only event. The Open really is for everyone, and our in-house competition makes the 5 weeks a fun way to push yourself a little harder and get to know your fellow athletes.

2017 CrossFit Open Intramural

To learn more about how the Intramural works, check out our blog post. Our captains have been picked, and Open season will kicked off this Wednesday, February 1st with a Facebook Live with Coaches Mitch and Tyler to go over details and answer questions. You can catch the replay on Facebook!Then, the fun really gets started on February 5th with our team draft. If you havent already, sign up at the front desk of either gym and fill out your skills card for the draft. If Facebook is any indication, the captains are preparing for a very sneaky draft this year.I know this Intramural format is new to you Westies, but I think youll really have some fun with it. The teams bond and come up with shenanigans, they design a shirt, they show up to cheer each other on. Its a fun way to bond with people and strategize the Open WODs together. Believe me, I typically dont like team building exercises or games and I LOVE the Intramural Open.

WOD timing and availability will run pretty similarly to last year at both locations. The WODs are announced Thursday night and will be programmed as the class programming on Friday during the day. You can complete the WOD during that class time, or during Open Gym if you cant make the event or want to redo. If you complete the WOD outside class or designated event times, you must find your own judge. Remember, if you opt to sign up officially with HQ, that judge must have completed the official course. Well have BIG collective Open Events for 17.1 and 17.5 (Facebook events are live on the Fringe Facebook page), and then normal running Friday class and Open gym times for 17.2, 17.3 and 17.4 at both gyms so you can get the WOD in. We know the Westies loved their Friday Night Events, so Coaches Vicki and Sam have already banded together to make sure that 17.2 through 17.4 are events youre accustomed to. Weve also got a bring-a-friend event in the works for 17.3, so stay tuned for details on that. Its a great way to introduce a friend to CrossFit and show off a little, who doesnt love that?

SugarWOD sweeps Fringe

By now, most have you have probably heard that weve moved on from Beyond the Whiteboard to SugarWOD! Your unhappiness with BTWB was the single biggest area we received feedback on in the annual survey, and we knew we had to address that first. SugarWOD is a fun and very simple-to-use app that allows you to see the programming for the day as well as the rest of the week, and most importantly, enter your scores and receive comments and kudos from your fellow athletes. It also has a website integration, and some fun customizations that are in the works! IfIf you havent yet already, simply download the app to your phone, create an account and search for CrossFit Fringe to join the fun!

Whole30/Nutrition Challenge We did the thing Gymwide Potluck on February 19

Our Whole30/Nutrition Challenge peeps finish up their challenges on February 13th and we want to celebrate! Join us for a gymwide potluck on Sunday, February 19th at noon at Fringe West. Bring a dish or drink to pass (does not have to be Whole30) and lets EAT. ALL. THE. THINGS.

Give us your feedback on ROMWOD/Mobility, even if you've never tried it

ROMwod is in serious need of a facelift you guys. Its one of those things that never found its proper identity. But we dont want to give up on it because we believe taking care of yourself is important, and we dont want to lose the jokes, humor and laughing with (or more appropriately AT) Keel aspect that made it so popular in the first place. So I did what I do best, I made a survey. So please give me your feedback so I can work in finding the right place for it.Because honestly, I could see it going in a few different ways. Mobility is important, so is it better suited as less yoga and more mobility? Is mobility more ROMWOD or MobilityWOD style? How many times a week? When? You can see why I make surveys, the possibilities are endless. I myself am leaning to some kind of alcohol inclusion somewhere, haha.In any sense, I've created two surveys, one for those who have been attendees, and those who have never tried it. Take the one that fits you and let us know(anonymously of course) what you think!

Coach's Spotlight: Chelsea Emery

Id like to formally welcome Chelsea Emery to the staff! Shes interning with me on the Business Development front and will be coaching soon as well! Lets get to know her a bit!

How/when did you first hear of CrossFit?

About 3 1/2 years ago, I saw a Groupon ad for a trial of CrossFit. Gave it a try for a couple of weeks, and didnt stick with it since I was caught up in triathlons at the time. A year later, I ended up going back to CrossFit after I wound up in the hospital from a bicycle accident. Side note: CrossFit is safer than triathlons haha.

What was your first workout? How did it go?

To me at the time, my first workout was the warmup Roxanne. I died, absolutely died from all of those burpees. Then we had a 2k row for time. Lets just say I wasnt the best on that row.

What are you going to school for?


What do you hope to do with your degree?

10-year plan is to own my own business. Short term plan is to just make enough money to pay the bills and eat whatever I want.

Okay back to CrossFit, whats your favorite workout?

"DT"5 rounds for time of:155/105 pound Deadlift, 12 reps155/105 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps155/105 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

If you could pick one Games workout to try, what would it be?

2016 Event 10: 100% (Day 4)For time:40 box jumps (30 / 24-inch)20 D-ball cleans (150 / 100 lb.)(5 min. time cap)

Besides CrossFit, what do you like to do in your spare time?

When it is warm out, I like to go to Stephens Lake Park and read by the water.

Whats one weird thing about you that most people probably dont know?

When it comes to food, Im that person that will always leave the last little bit. Whether it's like the last drink of milk, last chip in the bag, or last bite on the plate. It drives my family nuts

Have an amazing month of love, lifts, and GAINS! As always, if you need anything, you can reach out to us on social media, or email

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